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International Commitment

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In the German Police Union 'Gewerkschaft der Polizei' (GdP), we are committed to improving the working and living conditions of all police employees. Our values form the basis of our actions.

At European level, the German Police Union 'Gewerkschaft der Polizei'(GdP) is also represented in the 'European Trade Union Confederation' (ETUC) via its national umbrella organisation, the DGB. This unites 93 national trade union confederations from 41 countries and ten European industry associations with a total of 45 million members.

We are committed to ...

Improving operational cooperation of police, security and judicial authorities

  • Shaping domestic policy and internal security at the European level
  • Harmonisation of police laws and comparable management tools and operating resources within Europe

  • Joint international co-determination in Europe and strengthening of European security authorities and agencies

  • Improved cross-border cooperation, closer Networking and accelerated information and data exchange between police and security authorities in Europe

  • Promoting European diversity and cultural exchange in policing and social contexts

  • Cooperation with other Police unions and partners


In addition to its political headquarters in Berlin, the German Police Union ‘Gewerkschaft der Polizei’ (GdP) has also had its own liaison office in Brussels since 2016. Here we maintain contact with decision- makers at the European and international level. 

© GdP/Kay Herschelmann
GdP/Kay Herschelmann
It is important that all relevant stakeholders work together to shape internal security in Europe and make police forces and security authorities fit for the future on an international scale.
Jochen Kopelke, Federal Chairman

Chronicle of international cooperation

© GdP
1950: Foundation of the GdP on 14th September 1950 | 1955: Accession to the 'Union internationale des syndicats de police' (UISP) GdP
© GdP
2002: Founding member of EuroCOP as the European umbrella organisation for police employees | 2016: Withdrawal from EuroCOP and opening of the GdP office in Brussels GdP
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Shaping European Security Together

Responsible department

Jeldrik Grups


Telefon 0 30 - 39 99 21-119

Janine Storch


Telefon 0 30 - 39 99 21-124